Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Post

Wow! I can't believe that I have actually created a blog. I really had no idea I could do such a thing! I am amazed with my new ability! This class is already helpful.

My personal goal for this class are: To learn all I can about the technology I have available to me. The computer in front of me really is a wonder I know very little about. I can't wait to learn more about the things I can do with it.

I am nervous because I feel so far behind the eight ball already. I mean it seems that the children that have grown up with computers know so much more about them than I do. I go to them for help, because they just know what to do! Seems odd to take direction from someone I am supposed to help, but I remain humble in the hands of technology.

Our personal Internet Detective tutorial was interesting. I liked the walk through and quiz's. I did learn different ways to detect a bad site. Who knew there were clues right in the URL?
I also realize dates on the website are important as well as if the information posted is fact or opinion and whether the post is biased or not.

1 comment:

  1. You and Sparky are going to do great in this class! Glad to have you here and to see your "sparkling" new blog :-)
