Monday, September 28, 2009

Web Quests

I have just started to read about WebQuests. Yikes, again another anxiety producing site. I fear that I am going to have to make one! It does sound challenging and from what I have read so far really does sound like an interesting way to keep students engaged in learning. This application can be used as a learning tool as well as a tool to present what has been experienced and remembered from the lesson.

A WebQuest has a "hook" which keeps the participant looking, listening, engaged and learning. The hook may be a treasure hunt, a game or other activity that is embedded in the quest site. A scrapbook of ideas can be made collaboratively by the students that participate in class.

The WebQuest site must be age appropriate for the student's it is intended for.

I visited the web site posted to experience a WebQuest. The site was about the roaring twenties. I learned more about F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ty Cobb, and Ella Fitzgerald. This is really an interesting way to learn, because the student can choose the links that interest them the most and pick up knowledge along the way.

Creative Commons

I got a chance to listen/watch these informative sites that Lisa posted. The creative common video was interesting to watch, but a bit confusing to listen to. Although I did understand what was being said. That a copy write on your work is not that hard to get anymore. You can go to a site and sign up for a creative common copywrite and decide who and what can use your work and ideas. Music, pictures, art work, poems, and other written work can be copywritten in your name. This is really interseting to me as it was one of my questions at the start of our blogging and use of the class Wiki.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Web Page Design

Oh my goodness creating a web page is much harder than I thought even with templates. I took a class a few semesters ago where we had to design our own web page using HTML. This was so difficult using code to do everything. Yet now I feel like using these templates is hard. Each site is so different. Even though the sites are supposed to be easy to use I get lost with all of the button choices and not every feature seems to work with my slow dial-up connection. I have frustrated myself beyond belief with these sites this week. I am hoping that as I work within these sites I will understand what features work and how they are used etc...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Making Web Pages

Well I am quite apprehensive about making the three web pages we have to design for our class this week. The Google link Lisa posted doesn't work for me. So last night I visited the weebly site. I must say it didn't take me long to feel completely lost on this site. I could pick a layout. But I could not upload a picture or add any text. I am not sure why. I was getting frustrated. I am wondering if it is my computer as it hasn't been cooperating with me recently. I really think I need to call a tech person. There are days when all I can do is check my email which always seems to function properly, but I can't get on the Internet. Which naturally is anger inducing!

I have managed to visit several of the sites Lisa posted regarding good and bad web sites. I can clearly see that clutter is not appreciated on a web site a visitor is quickly lost in all of the photos and benign text. Also a good web page needs ease of navigation for the visitor to find their way around. Personally broken links to pages is a pet peeve of mine why have it on your site if you don't make it work.

Hopefully after work today I will find some time to try doing more on the web page design assignment. Have a great day.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wikipedia Posting Edits

How interesting - I checked Wikipedia today to see if my posting had been edited, and it has been! My posting has been moved under the heading of Breed Development and has been added to. What I posted now says "Daniel C. Lindley, a native of Middlebury, Vermont, compiled and published a book of Morgan breeding stallions published in 1857. Colonel Joseph Battell, also a Middlebury, Vermont native, published the first volume of the Morgan Horse Register in 1894, marking the beginning of a formal breed registry".

Someone else has added More information regarding Colonel Battell donating his farm at his death to the United States Government which later donated the farm to the University of Vermont. Where Morgan horses are still raised and trained today.

Well I am impressed that my addition was actually read and responded to.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wikipedia Posting

Well I tried my hand at posting on Wikipedia. I joined as a member and added my two cents worth of information after visiting the website "HowStuffWorks" . This site suggested that one experiment with posting on the Wikipedia site to gain experience, so I did.

If you go to Wikipedia and type in Morgan Horse and look under the heading Breed History and Justin Morgan, I added the following information: "Daniel C. Lindley, a native of Middlebury, Vermont, compiled and published a book of Morgan breeding stallions in his book, Morgan Horses: A Premium Essay written in 1857. Colonel Joseph Battell, also a Middlebury, Vermont native started the publication, The Morgan Horse and Register in 1894 and so the Morgan registry began". I am going to keep an eye on the site for a few days and see if anyone changes or deletes what I added. Should be interesting and a good learning experience.

More On Wiki's

I have been searching the web for more information on wikis. I found the site "HowStuffWorks" and found some interesting things about wiki's. This site even tells you to experiment with the wikipedia site by posting something and seeing if the information is accepted, rejected, or edited. I will visit the wikipedia site later to see what I can try to add or edit on the site.

Here is the "HowStuffWorks" site if you would like to visit it. The vandalism and edit wars page is very informative.
HowStuffWorks "How Wikis Work"

Friday, September 18, 2009

Learning About Wiki's

I have been visiting sites about wiki's this week. Did you know that the word "wiki" is Hawaiian for quick!

The interesting thing about wiki's is that people can edit what you have posted and continue with different train of thought on the same subject. It also seems that the old posting is not lost, just revised. The wiki can be an interesting tool for teaching. An entire class could work on a project together adding and sharing their ideas and information in one place.

I think it will be interesting to actually work on one to get experience of how they work and what I like and don't like first hand. As I learn I will share my feelings!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Amazing that none of the libraries in my area are open at a time that I can use them. I did make it to the Orford, NH free library on Sunday to try and take the Bb Tutorial. There is too much video for my dialup at home. Low and behold there is no high speed at this library in Orford either! But I managed to take the test anyway!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Further Reading of Week 1 Assignments

I have taken online classes before, but never realised that there was a tutorial for blackboard. I think it would have been nice if someone had mentioned it before now. After the two classes I am taking this semester I only have one more to take before graduating!

I also had no idea that there was any such thing as National Educational Technology Standards. I have clearly been missing something. Information that could be valuable in helping me with the classes I am taking as well as prepare me for the classes I wish to teach.

The Internet is truly an amazing tool for helping one learn new and wondrous things. I am still flabbergasted at all the Internet offers in self tutorials.

First Post

Wow! I can't believe that I have actually created a blog. I really had no idea I could do such a thing! I am amazed with my new ability! This class is already helpful.

My personal goal for this class are: To learn all I can about the technology I have available to me. The computer in front of me really is a wonder I know very little about. I can't wait to learn more about the things I can do with it.

I am nervous because I feel so far behind the eight ball already. I mean it seems that the children that have grown up with computers know so much more about them than I do. I go to them for help, because they just know what to do! Seems odd to take direction from someone I am supposed to help, but I remain humble in the hands of technology.

Our personal Internet Detective tutorial was interesting. I liked the walk through and quiz's. I did learn different ways to detect a bad site. Who knew there were clues right in the URL?
I also realize dates on the website are important as well as if the information posted is fact or opinion and whether the post is biased or not.