Sunday, November 22, 2009

Vlog vs. Blog

This week we have been learning about vlogging. Which is a short video posted on the Internet. This can be used for educational purposes. Though there are many videos posted that are just silly ways for people to show themselves to the world if you are unfortunate enough to come across them. The vlog is somewhat intimidating as it can be rather personal with sound and picture of a person, place or thing. Unlike a blog that is just posted words and perhaps a still picture. The blog seems to have a new dimension of criteria. Sound is certainly an issue as well as a steady picture are needed to be effective, as dull sound and bouncing picture can be very distracting.

I watched several YouTube videos. Here is one from Ted Kooser poet laureate doing a reading of some of his poetry.
I did try to post a vlog myself. Though once again the slowness of my dial-up interferes with the loading of the video.

I can see the potential of use on YouTube for education as there is a category of videos posted that are just for education. This can certainly help with teaching a class and giving them a real feel for something almost like a field trip within the classroom.


  1. Hi Sue,
    I agree with you I think that vlogs have potentional in education, but there really needs to be a category to find them easier; like on "you tube". I looked off and on this week for several hours and found more vlogs that just were like you said "silly."

  2. Dial up and video are just impossible, at least you're able to view a few.
